My name is Liew Sing, Ryan. I have 3 years working experiences and I am from Nanyang Polytechnic.
During my diploma studies, I have involved myself in a French club and, fortunately, I was assigned as a vice-president of the club. Together with the community members, we have successfully organized a visit at Lycée Français de Singapour (Singapore French School) and Alliance Française de Singapour (schools of French language and culture). Through the position i held, I have learnt how to become more responsible and also improved my personal skills greatly. In addition, the position also allowed me to learn how to take care of others and being a good leader.
I was able to find a job right after my diploma studies at Hewlett-Packard Singapore as a technical specialist. Through the job, I have learnt how to work well with others and deliver my task on time. Very often, especially when it takes me and my colleagues more than 2 hours to troubleshoot a complicated machine, we will have conflict because we are frustrated and we have different point of view for the problem. Anyway, I am able to resolve the conflict as I understand that different personality has different idea and it is human's nature to have frustration. By being through these processes with different colleagues, i have improved my EQ significantly. At the end of the day, all these conflicts have turned out to be the most valuable experiences for me and i was amused by the frustrations we had.
After 3 years of working experiences, as i have see how important physics means to our daily life and my work, I decided to pursue a B. Sc at NUS. I really appreciated the time I had during my polytechnic studies as well as my working periods.
Hi Ryan,
ReplyDeleteI liked the way you gave examples to explain your experiences. Hence I was able to understand you better. It was good that you related your experience to show how you gained EQ skills.
I feel that you could have included more about your goals for your future. Since a personal statement is about yourself, I think readers will want to know what you are intending to do and where you are heading in terms of your career or further education. I think if you include this information, your personal statement will be more complete.
Keerth :)
Hi Keerth,
ReplyDeleteI was about to add my goals but you have already post your comment so i cant add anymore. Sob.. :P
In fact, i have already added my goal in "About Me". I wish to become another Einstein. It means that i wish to become a great physicist and leave some legacy to this world after i die.
I know that it is almost impossible, but with this goal in my mind and heart, it makes me stronger as well as have no fear whatever surfaced.
Hi Ryan,
ReplyDeleteJust commenting on the use of English here, a few I have spotted.
In the 3rd paragraph, you used "anyway", I think it sounded way too casual for a written paper.
It is "human nature" not "human's nature", it is used more like a noun, so your sentence can go "frustration is part of human nature".
Then the following "i"s should be capitalised, just a minor typo error.
In the last paragraph, it is "experience" without the 's'.
"As I have see...", should be "seen".
About your personal statement, it is quite well written overall. Adding on to your goals, being another person from another era is indeed impossible. However, it is a good goal, to be like him, questioning the right things and giving answers to them.
A development of a person depends on the environment he lives in. So you might be as brilliant as Einstein but if you not live in a time with so many contradictions and questions, you wouldn't have the chances to be as good as him.
Pak Ming
Hi Pak Ming,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your corrections of my English!
Also, i agreed with your point of view and hopefully maintaining this blog until i die would be a legacy to the world. LOL.
Hi Ryan,
ReplyDeleteHere's my two cents worth on your biodata entry. I personally feel that your approach is abit more of "what i have experience and my learning points" rather than a personal. I firmly believe that it would look more YOU if you could tell us more about yourself i.e. your personal goals/philosophy/dreams/ambitions.
You did mentioned that you're into physics but my question which i would like to pose to you is: "What can you do with your passion for physics?". You wanna be the next Nobel Prize Winner for Physics, perhaps? Or inspire future physicist? I think it would be great if you could lead us into where your heart and passion lies!
Till then, enjoy your recess week!
Hi Ariff,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your comment!
I thought that this biodata should be related to my job application and "cover" something that is not in my resume as well as my cover letter. Well, if it is not the case, i cant agree with you more that i should also state my philosophy and etc. In fact, i have stated my personal goals in my resume as "objective".
My objective is to improve the efficiency of nuclear power as well as make it more environmentally friendly (recycling the nuclear waste is my main interest). I also interested into nuclear battery (i dont know is possible or not) which can last your laptop power for more than 10 years 24/7, say, without turning it off.
Have fun during your recess week! Enjoy!
Liew Sing