My beloved bike broke down today. It was the second major break down since he was under my possession since May 2005. The first major break down was just 10 months ago and I've sent my bike to the bike shop, where I bought my bike from, 3 times in order to get the problem solved. It was the magnetic coil which controlling the spark plug that faulty causing the problem and it costs me S$220 to get it fixed. It was a very dangerous (broke down at the middle of the road 3 times) and horrible experience.
Now, here's another issue today. I don't know the root-cause yet as I just found out that it is faulty while I was trying to start the engine at home. I can't start the engine. There is no light from the "N"(neutral) light bulb after I've turn the ignition key switch. I've just got my battery changed 3 days ago (due to same issue but somehow able to start the engine again after a few "kick-start") and my in-vehicle unit (IU) is still working fine. Thus, it is not the battery that causing the problem, I guess (d**n! I've wasted bloody S$40 to replace a still functioning battery!). Fortunately, it wasn't happened while I'm on the way to an important event like exam or job interview.
Well, I have to call for tow service again but unfortunately, today is Sunday and Hari Raya Haji. Meaning tomorrow Monday will be public holiday. I won't get my bike fixed until Tuesday.
Sometimes, I really hate my bike so much. I didn't hit the roof, however, but I just kept scolding vulgarities when I've found out the incident. My bike is going to burn another big hole of my pocket and causes me a lot of inconvenience soon. However, by looking back, it has accompanied me for more then 6 years. I really enjoying riding it and it "shared" a lot of my bitter and sweet moments (especially when I'm studying in NUS). When I'm studying in NUS, it never caused me any major issue and he just silently performed up to my expectation. I "talked" to him as well when I'm in rage or sorrow, despite the fact that I knew he would never answer me anything. I like to sing out lough while I'm riding, too. So he is not only my transport but my biggest fan and best listening ear as well.
He's really a good machine, no doubt about that, but the luck just wasn't at my side this time, I guess.
Anyway, would like to take this opportunity to thank you as well.
Love you, my bike.
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