I've just got my bike fixed. It cost me S$73. S$30 for the tow services, S$18 for the front break pad and S$25 for the wiring repair. It was the wiring that causing the problem.
Indeed, I really don't know who to blame. As the matter of fact, my bike has already given me the symptom that something is not right with it and I can save the bloody S$30 for the tow services if I think probably and did not listen to the mechanic who thought that it was the battery that causing the problem. I knew that the IU is still working fine and I somehow still able to start the engine after a few kick-starts before I got the battery changed. In fact, I can save S$70 (replacing the battery plus the tow services) if I insisted the mechanic to check the wiring thoroughly, instead of changing the battery, during the previous services. If I'm smart enough, it is not hard to find out that the problem got nothing to with the battery. How could a faulty battery still able to supply electricity to the IU but the motorbike to start-up?
This is a very hard lesson for me. I've wasted a lot of time traveling from my house to NUS and more than S$70 which includes all the public transports fees (buses and MRT). This really shouldn't happen if I was calm and analyzed the problem carefully. I think I'm a person who can easily lose my head. How weak!
Anyway, I'm glad that this nightmare is finally over.
On the other hand, somehow, I feel that I love my bike even more. Wayne (one of my very close friend, who is a biker as well) suggested me to change my bike to Honda since my bike given me so much problems (big question mark for the future as well). However, my first reaction was a big "NO!" and my gut instinct told me that I'll regret if I change my bike. I think I've put too much "effort" and time into my bike, thus I'm not willing to change it. I think my bike is my "blood, sweat and tears". (Ridiculous, huh?)
Lastly, will you change your bike if you were me?