"The true beauty that will last forever. Physics." These are the words behind the t-shirt.
Well, here is my design and I'm going to submit it to Physics Society NUS in order to participate the annual t-shirt design competition.
For those are not physics major, I think they will not understand the meaning of the design. Well (I hope you are interested in my design), in order to understand/appreciate (it's an art, right?) the design, firstly you have to know who these gentlemen are. From the far left, he is Mr. Maxwell and he's the one who "combined" Gauss's law, Gauss's law for magnetism, Ampere's law and Faraday's law to became Maxwell's equations (creative, huh?). Guess what, Mr. Santa was his idol (just kidding). Right beside Mr. Maxwell, he was once Mr. Santa's best friend (again, just kidding) and his name is Ludwig Boltzmann. Mr. Boltzmann was one of the founders who created Statistical Mechanics (in short, SM) and he is also very famous for philosophy.
After Mr. Boltzmann, here we have the hero who has ended WWII "indirectly" by being one of the head consultants for The Manhattan Project. His name is Enrico Fermi and Mr. Fermi is also one of the greatest scientist and teacher ever. Right after Mr. Fermi, here he comes, Mr. Dirac. Mr. Dirac don't smoke and drink and his works for Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory (relativistic quantum mechanics) are tremendous. He is also regarded as one for the greatest physicist ever (both in personality and his works).
Hmm.. Who is this gentleman beside Mr. Dirac? Well, his name is Satyendra Nath Bose. Ring a bell? Boson was named after this gentleman (such a big honor!) and guess what, he has no Ph.D throughout his life! This is really amazing and I think we should set him as our role model! Lastly, needless to tell, everybody knows him and his theories are "unbelievable"!
So, together, they are "Maxwell-Boltzmann statistic", "Fermi-Dirac statistic" and "Bose-Einstein statistic" (just google one of these and you'll find a lot of information about these statistics"). Their theories are very important in physics because without these statistics, human being will not able to explain "black body radiation" and we will not be able to understand the universe further.
Well, as long as the universe and human being are exist, these theories will exist, too. Therefore, don't you agree with me that "Physics. The true beauty that will last forever."?
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