After watching the movie "Avatar", I agree that there is a "hidden" massage that the director wanted to bring across to the world. But, right now, human just cant stop the emission of greenhouse gases soon simply because it will crash with the economy and billions of people will lose their job. And then, a lot of people will starve to death.
I believe that the root-cause is simply because of the Industrial Revolution, which designed to turn energy to become economy. Back to 18th to 19th century, before the Industrial Revolution, people do not aware of the greenhouse gases as well as global warming. The benefits that the Industrial Revolution brought us are tremendous and human, with sufficient job opportunities and income, start to "breed".
Right now, the earth has to "feed" 6.69 billions of human being (if each person take 25 cm, the queue is much longer than the distance between the moon and the earth!) and if we human really wanted to reduce greenhouse gases, we have to control the population. It is the huge population that consume so much energy causing the problem. But, by controlling the population, some downfall will surface. Some of the small countries will lose their competitive to the rest of the countries simply due to aging population as well as lacking the human resource to run the country. Some of the big countries, like India and Brazil, will think that it is unfair to their own government because their main income- tax, have to be reduce due to lower population of the country. Therefore, i suggest to have a "one world one nation" policy: there will be only one government in the world, which choose by the citizen of the world. By having only one government, it will save us a lot of resources as well as unnecessary problem. Example, our passport and the "white card" we use for traveling. In order to produce our passport and the white card, millions of trees have to be sacrifice. In addition, this policy will also erase the unnecessary competition between nations, create no war and allow the government to control the population effectively. Just like the "government" for the "blue people" in the planet of "Avatar".
But racism and greed are in most of the human blood. My suggestion will only be practical if most of the human being can get rid of these and instead, fill with the spirit of, which is common in Mother Teresa, Jesus Christ, Buddha, and etc, love.